Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My XML/EDIFACT Serializer written in XSLT is open!

The source XSLT code of my XML/EDIFACT Serializer is open at Google Code ;-)

If you want to have try, you can use the test XML/EDIFACT instance available here. It's the result of the parsing of the ORDERS D.97A sample instance from Seagate by

Then, you can process it with your favorite XSLT processor ;-)

By the way, what is your favorite XSLT processor?

Monday, November 22, 2010

One of My Favorite Quote

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Albert Einstein

For us, programmers, I think it's the first part of this sentence, which is the most challenging. We all know very well how easy it is to create a complex/long/unstructured solution, and on the other hand, how difficult (and time-consuming) it is to create a simple/elegant solution to a given need ;-)

I am currently working on my EDIFACT parser and serializer - sorry for the delay on my Babelabout demonstration (see my previous post) - challenged by Mathias, and I am again realizing how a few extra thinking can save you hundred thousands of lines of code!

I am currently testing this re-design of my EDIFACT parser and serializer. I will hopefully then take some time writing a post explaining the "architecture shift" and how it saves hundred thousands of lines of code. Then, I will probably finally share the code as open-source ;-)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Babelabout Demonstration #1 (Upcoming...)

I would like to start developing a series of live demonstrations based on different scenarios. My first scenario would a supplier who is required to send his invoices to a customer as EDIFACT messages with the AS2 transport protocol.

Demonstration #1: Send to your customer an EDIFACT INVOIC via AS2, by uploading to a CSV file with FTP.

New scenarios should then be added shortly including ORDERS and DESDAV, as well as other EDI flavors, any other suggestions are welcome ;-)