Dear All,
This year I would like to simply wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year 2010.
Sincerely Yours,
The Babelabout Team
I will be back the 4th of January 2010.
What's happening inside Babelabout...
Dear All,
This year I would like to simply wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year 2010.
Sincerely Yours,
The Babelabout Team
I will be back the 4th of January 2010.
Following some recent e-mails we have received on our mailbox babelabout@gmail.com, it seems that we need to clarify the relation between Babelabout, BabelAS2 and AS2Box.net. Here is the draft of the new "About Us" page:
Babelabout is not yet a company/business. For the moment, it is just a project, started by an experienced integration specialist, who wants to provide fair and affordable platforms/solutions upon which to make e-business possible - for any person, from any company, in any industry, of any size, any where in the world.
Babelabout is currently developping three different services:
You can get much more information about these three different initiatives on our Babelabout's Blog - http://babelabout.blogspot.com/ - and, if you have any further questions/comments/remarks, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail at babelabout@gmail.com!
You can instantly try AS2Box.net by sending any text file (.txt) to the mendelson AS2 test server following the instructions below:
Could it be simpler?
Once connected to your AS2Box.net Web Folder, you will have access to the following folder structure:
/root [Read]
/incoming [Read & Delete]
/archive [Read]
/outgoing [Write]
/archive [Read]
The messages you receive from your trading partner will be written in both /incoming and /incoming/archive. You will be able to move the files from /incoming, but all the files will remain within /incoming/archive.
If you want to send a file to your trading partner, you just need to copy it to /outgoing, it will then be picked up, save within /outgoing/archive and send to your trading partner. The MDN will then appear in /outgoing/archive next to the copy of the sent file.
Could it be simpler?
It was quite late yesterday night when I finished the 1st implementation of AS2Box.net. But, it's working. I still need to polish it a bit, and I would be able to create the 1st "real" account - the request I have received yesterday ;-)
I am also planning to setup a "demo" account, so you can immediately, try it, e.g. sending messages to the mendelson AS2 test server.
I am happy ;-) Ready to work hard tonight in order to finalize the AS2Box.net platform!
Yes! You can download BabelAS2 version 0.03 at
Google: http://babelas2.googlecode.com/files/BabelAS2.v0.03.zip
SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/babelas2/files/BabelAS2.v0.03.zip/download
This is the first "complete" version, you can send and receive any messages to/from any partners. I am a little bit disappointed by the length of the installation instructions for the IIS part, but if you are familiar with IIS, you should not find any "exotic" instructions ;-)
Do not forget to send feedback to babelabout@gmail.com, many thanks in advance!
VoilĂ , I have finished my first Wiki page Install, which gives a exhaustive step-by-step procedure for installing and configuring BabelAS2. This procedure is now also within the _Readme.txt file. It looks like everything is ready for the shipment of BabelAS2 version 0.03.
BabelAS2 version 0.03 will be the first "complete" version, it will include everything you need to send and receive any messages to/from any partners. No limitations, no license costs ;-)
Finally, it might be quicker that expected... I really enjoy using the Wiki of Google Code as authoring tool for my _Readme.txt file. I really hope I will have finished tonight ;-)
It's quite frustrating to realise that it's the _Readme.txt file that is the most time consuming to write! The Receive.asp is ready and running well on the BabelAS2 Test Server, but I have still not shipped it within BabelAS2 version 0.03 since I have not finished to detail all the steps needed to configure IIS. At the end, I am sure that I will have to describe 100+ steps :-(
If you find our open source project useful, please support us by making a donation. Your funding will help to ensure continued development of BabelAS2.