Tuesday, January 26, 2010

BabelAS2 version 0.04 has been released!

You can download BabelAS2 version 0.04 at

Google: http://babelas2.googlecode.com/files/BabelAS2.v0.04.zip

SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/babelas2/files/BabelAS2.v0.04.zip/download

I had to correct a few bugs :-/

Do not forget to send feedback to babelabout@gmail.com, many thanks in advance!

Friday, January 22, 2010

AS2Box.net - Website Updated!

Clear your cache and go to http://www.as2box.net/, the content of the website have been updated. Go to the Demo page and have a (2nd) try with demo's AS2Box ;-)

Do not hesitate to contact us at babelabout@gmail.com if you have further questions!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

AS2Box Lite: Managed AS2 Services for FREE

With an AS2Box Lite, you can instantly (*) setup AS2 connections with your trading partners - NO SOFTWARE installation is needed.

  1. Have a try with the demo account, send a file to the mendelson AS2 test server:

  2. Create your own account, register for an AS2Box Lite, it's FREE.

Please, do not hesitate to e-mail us at babelabout@gmail.com if you have any further questions or remarks!

(*) At this stage, some parts of the account creation have not yet been automated, thus you can have 1 working day delay for your account creation. But, we are working on it! Many thanks in advance for your support and patience.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

AS2Box.net - Yes, it can simpler!

  1. Click on the link http://demo.as2box.info/outgoing/, and connect with user: demo and password: demo.

    Unfortunately, this WebDAV integration seems to work only with Microsoft Internet Explorer. If your browser does not support the WebDAV integration, you will be redirected to the Microsoft web site ;-)

  2. Drag-and-drop the file you want to send to the mendelson AS2 test server into the folder.
  3. Then, you can go to http://as2.mendelson-e-c.com:8080/webas2, and connect with user: guest and password: guest, in order to check if your file has arrived.

Of course, I am not very happy about the fact that it only works with Internet Explorer, so I will have to look for an script-based file manager for web user interface, any suggestions are welcome ;-)