Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Open source project BabelAS2 on Google Code

I think it has all started with the frustration from the licensing cost of my first AS2 software ;-) Looking into my development archive, I have found some work back in October 2004 regarding the idea of making VBScript implementation of AS2, in order to show that it is NOT a complex thing!

The 1st working version of the script (according to my archive) is from February 2005! Until now, I have kept it for my personal use, but today I am in a good mood, and so have made it open source ;-) This has also been a good opportunity for me to discover Subversion, and I like it very much.

The BabelAS2 open-source project is currently available at

I hope by showing that a 137 lines VBScript (with nice formatting) can actually send any message via AS2, it will convince you that I have reached my objective, i.e. it's not a complex matter, and that you should not buy an expensive product to do it! Please, fell free to comment ;-)

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