Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just wanted to say Hello!

Just a very quick post to say that I am still there! I still want to create a fair and affordable platform/solution upon which to make e-business possible - for any person, from any company, in any industry, of any size, any where in the world.

I know I should spend some time to clean-up this Blog, there are now a lot of broken links :-/ But, I am quite busy for the moment. It's a little bit like I am back to stealth mode ;-)

I am currently working on a cool integration project, learning a lot about the X12 HIPAA message formats... I hope I will be able to tell you more shortly, as well as cleaning up this blog!


Anonymous said...


Where are you based? Like your recent comment and would like to get in touch - also I do not know if you have anything to do with https://eligibleapp.com/index.html site as I cannot leave a request for information.

Cheers and thanks
Mohsin Jaffer

Ross Carver said...

I saw your posting on SO regarding transmission / translation of EDI docs. I'm also working as a startup on a web service which is a "reader" of EDI documents (for analytics) and am interested in discussing opportunities to combine efforts and extend the low-cost crusade!

PS. your website appears to be down.

Ross Carver